You should choose Student Works because we:
Student Works Painting knows how to do the job right, without cutting corners that impact the quality or lifetime of the work. Complimentary Estimates, for all house painting and stand by our work.
For the quality of work that we offer and the services we provide, our goal is to provide you more value for the price. Nobody beats on our material and paint costs. Because we are one of the largest house painting companies in North America, we have very low prices on the highest quality paints.
Every company has overhead costs; like marketing materials, insurance, telephone and administrative costs. Student Works Painting shares overhead costs across many business operations.
We hire university and college students. Each of our painters goes through a rigorous training program to ensure they have the proper “know-how”. They are being paid a fair wage.
Does Student Works offer the lowest price? Not Necessarily, a few ways to beat our prices: